The Language of Brands
2019 // Book // Author
The Language of Brands is about how the largest and most successful businesses use language to connect with consumers. It’s about how the words marketers use do more than just share simple messages. Why are some writers good and others bad? Why has content become such a central part of the marketing machine?
The Language of Brands looks at businesses that have successfully mastered their language to great effect. The brand that conquered Christmas and became a part of December canon, the brand whose very name instantly brings with it a sense of motivation and potential, and the brand whose language did more for the diamond industry than a sparkling stone ever could.
The Language of Brands reveals why when we look at billboards and webpages - and whatever other channels businesses market to us through - we read what we read, see what we see, and feel what we feel.
With the Language of Brands You Will:
• Learn how to market your brand to consumers using their language.
• Develop clear frameworks for brand distinction within an industry or topic.
• Explore bleeding-edge techniques for language analysis across entire industries with minimal lift.
• Learn simple, often neglected methodologies for dominating in search engine results and SEO.
• See real-life examples of what makes branding powerhouses like Apple, McDonald’s and Nike different than their competitors.
• Understand the metrics that will help you get buy-in for instigating brand change within your organization.